For all refund inquiries, please email

Refunds will be credited to the original payment method used at checkout. If you paid by credit or debit card, the refund will be processed through the card-issuing bank within 7-10 business days of receiving the returned item or cancellation request. For any questions regarding when the refund will appear on your account, please contact your card-issuing bank directly. If you have not yet received a refund, please reach out to your bank or credit card company, as it may take a little time for the credit to be posted.

Please note: All returned items for a refund must be sent via recorded delivery. Customers must provide proof of postage and full tracking details to receive a full refund.


Vasora does not offer refunds for regular returns. We only provide exchanges for products that are defective or damaged upon arrival.

To initiate an exchange, please contact us with your order number at, and our team will respond within 24-48 hours.

Exchanges and returns are at the discretion of our customer service team.

At Vasora, we pride ourselves on providing excellent customer support. We ask that all communication remains respectful. Any form of verbal or communicative abuse toward our staff will not be tolerated, and customers who engage in abusive behaviour will be refused returns or exchanges. Vasora maintains a zero-tolerance policy for abuse.

Our customer service team operates Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 4 PM.

Money Back Guarantee

Our 30-day money-back guarantee only applies to products that are delivered damaged or defective.

The money-back guarantee is subject to approval by the Vasora customer service team